Friday, March 13, 2020

When Trump failed the private Sector and Governors and Mayors stepped in

Though I worry a little that Trump will postpone the presidential election permanently in the fall sort of like how Louisiana is postponing or ending their primary for now too, I think that the private sector has stepped up to the plate to help solve the coronavirus testing situation now.

The point is that now there is another problem which is students and low wage people starving soon as their restaurants and travel and restaurant related jobs dry up and blow away from everything including schools of all sizes shutting down to sports to travel, everything.

Yes. It's true that we got rid of social welfare almost completely but now without some form of social welfare 1/2 of the nation is going to starve within a few months.

This thing may be over in a month or it could last through the summer and if it hits in October just like the Spanish flu did in October 100,000 people could die in the first month or more.

The problem is we don't know how long all this is going to take. 2 years of this off and on is the best estimate so far which is going to make poorer people with no saving starve or more older people die (Your choice) because it will be one or the other and hopefully not both.

However, I'm thinking the poor will starve and the old will die also which is what the next two years likely are going to look like worldwide from this thing.

Hopefully, we have slowed Coronavirus down enough to make it manageable in this country because it's out of control right now in Italy and other parts of Europe.

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