Friday, October 23, 2020

Listening to Trump and Biden Last Night

The debate was somehow comforting in that Trump wasn't so crazy from getting coronavirus like he was during the first debate and was closer to talking "Rational" even though he still was crazy.

But, what I found comforting was that it sounded more like political debates are supposed to sound like.

However, when Biden said, "There are no blue or red states we are all Americans" I felt a wave of peace wash over me and a desire for all Americans to be friends again like we were all in World War II when we fought against Fascist States then of Germany and Japan. A war bound our country together for a time which lasted likely until the Soviet Union Fell around 1990. Those of us who lived through this era realize how "Together we were for almost 50 years as a country and we didn't really completely fall apart and become partisan like we are now until Trump divided us with White Supremacy and KKK ideas like he learned from his father who was beating up New York's Catholic Cops in the 1920s as a member of the KKK and was put in jail for it then.

So, Biden is a Breath of Fresh Air from a better time when economically and emotionally we were actually ONE Country for at least 50 years time from the early 1940s until the 1990s. 

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