Thursday, October 15, 2020

Presently 90 Degrees in the middle of October here on Northern California Coast: Crazy!

Normally by now (but there is no normal now) it would be much colder likely by 30 degrees colder or around there but still sunny since Fall and Spring are our best weather here. The foggy days of summer are gone now and the winter storms haven't arrived yet (if they will). So, 90 degrees is sort of completely unheard of this late in the year even for Northern California on the coast. 

People here where I live about 99% of them don't even own air conditioners because you usually only need a heater and a fan here at most. So, many of them likely are either now cooking in their homes or they are out buying portable air conditioners both here and far inland where it is much much hotter.

Strangely enough Morgan Hill which is usually much hotter than here (often by 10 degrees) is the same temperature as here on the coast for some reason 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Palm Springs looks to be the hottest place in California (or one of them in the state right now at 104 degrees Fahrenheit going to 107 degrees today.

Los Angeles is 95 degrees.

San Fernando Valley is 97 degrees

San Francisco 89 degrees

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