Sunday, October 25, 2020

Trump has had a lower average approval rating even than Truman who dropped two Atomic Bombs on Japan!

The highest average approval rating was of JFK (John F. Kennedy) of all the presidents since 

World War II.

The next Highest approval rating was of Eisenhower who built freeways all over the place in case we were going to get nuked so people could evacuate cities quickly so they didn't have to die in a nuke.

The next highest approval rating was G.H.W. Bush. The first Bush who served as president from 1988 to 1992.

The next highest approval rating was LBJ (President Johnson) who signed the Civil Rights Bill into Law.

The next average highest approval rating was Clinton who was president from 1992 until 2000.

The next highest average approval rating was Reagan who was president from 1980 to 1988.

The next highest average approval rating was G.W. Bush the first Bush's son.

The next highest approval rating was Nixon.

The next highest average approval rating was Obama.

The next highest average approval rating was Ford.

The next highest average approval rating was Carter.

The next highest Approval rating was Truman who dropped two Atomic bombs on Japan.

And the least highest average approval rating of any president since world War II is Trump.

And since this is true it is statistically very unlikely that he would be elected again unless there is foreign

Interference or domestic interference regarding the U.S. elections.

This is from Fareed Zacharia on CNN at 10:04 AM ET on Sunday the 25th of October 2020

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