Saturday, October 10, 2020

When people are destablized by losing their jobs they are much more susceptible to Conspiracy theories

This is because if you become homeless, you don't have enough food, you cannot pay your bills, you are scared, often you are not thinking right because you are terrified because you aren't sure you can survive what you are facing.

So, this makes some people believe in Crazy Conspiracy theories both on the left and the right and everywhere in between.  For a short period in almost any person's adult life often they face this sort of thing by the way. For most people middle Class and below it is not if it is only when.

But, if they have military training and are White Supremacist Rightests or even Antifa on the left side of all this then often violence can or will take place at some point from really crazy conspiracy theories that actually might have no basis whatsoever in actual facts.

So, it is sort of like dealing with people hallucinating on a drug with guns blazing. In other words it can get really crazy like it did with the Michigan Governor this week.

But, the instigator of the worst conspiracy theories has to be Trump literally on Steroids lately. So, I think everyone should expect violence in the U.S. because of Trump and his really insane conspiracy theories.

'Roid Rage' or Steroid Rage from the President could create many deaths before and during the election in addition to all the people Trump has infected or is infecting with coronavirus now by speaking to them with his mask off in public whether he is inside or outside at this point doesn't matter.

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