Friday, August 5, 2022

Does it really help to stop burning fossil fuels in electric and hybrid cars when you will eventually pollute land and water with it's batteries?

 So, you are helping in the short run but actually doing more damage to the earth and water supplies in the long run when you no longer buy gas or diesel that much for your hybrid or electric vehicle.

The point is: "There is no perfect solution to the energy problem yet."

I suppose if we all had hydrogen cells or fusion powered cars this might be different. But, even then at some point 100,000 years from now we might have put all the hydrogen from water into fusion and have no water left to drink or wash or bathe in too. Because once you separate hydrogen from the oxygen in water it no longer will ever be water ever again. It will be two separate things of hydrogen (which left alone goes to the top of the atmosphere) (unless you use it in fusion or in hydrogen fuel cells and then likely it changes to some other form) (but not water ever again).

In the end there is only so much oxygen and hydrogen on earth in the form of water and when that is gone there will be no more unless you mine water from some place like Ganymede one of the moons of Jupiter where there likely is more water there than here on earth presently. Why this is true would be an interesting science question in itself?

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