Monday, August 22, 2022


The theme of this page is the life of His Oneness who was born likely 40,000 or more years ago in a Lemurian Tribe. However, he was and is a Seer in that he could see the future. So when aliens from other worlds came to take back a representative from Earth they took His Oneness to train as Earth's next leader. So when they returned him he glowed with light and all laid down their weapons and followed him like Jesus. The Galactic Sentience named him "His Oneness" which is a Galactic Planetary world leader sanctioned by the Galactic Sentience who runs the Galaxy. A galactic Sentience lives millions and billions of years and is an energy being whose natural state is plasma matter or plasma antimatter. For this reason plasma beings like this basicly never die except from boredom and cannot be  harmed  by any known being in the universe. 

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