Wednesday, August 10, 2022

If you Lived personally through the Absolute Nightmare of "NO LEGAL Abortions" in the 1950s, 1960s or before:

 Then you know how horrific it was for women then. Not only was there no access to birth control pills into at the earliest 1960 but the horrors of what no legal abortions meant for everyone.

"What I witnessed was how women and girls forced to have babies they didn't want were torturing their children and driving them insane and making them become insane criminals."

If you are FORCED to completely destroy your life as a 10 year old to 20 year old (and don't die in the process) because it is 14 times safer to have an abortion than to deliver a child to term, then many many of these girls and women absolutely hated and destroyed the children that they were forced to have and very often forced to either live in poverty or with a man they didn't ever love or want to be with, 

So, I saw all these horrific things first hand and even some of the people trying to kill me were tortured boys from these kinds of horrific events in their mothers and their lives.

People who are anti-abortion might go to church but do not live in the real world and see the real consequences of absolute horror like I did first hand while growing up in the 1950s and 1960s as a child and young adult.

And now we are seeing this HORROR return to some of the red states one by one which will kill and maim the lives of thousands to millions of women during the next few years.

Women not free to have abortions cannot be considered to be anything but Slaves with less rights and status than children.

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