Wednesday, August 10, 2022

It's hard enough to survive and grow up even if your parents are good and decent people:

 Even with Good parents and a father who always financially supported me I nearly died many times growing up in the 1950s from Whooping cough, accidents including a concussion which gave me night time seizures from ages 10 to 15 including two times people a little older than me tried to kill me.  

What I'm trying to say here is that even if you have good parents (this was the 1950s) even then you likely only had a 50 50 chance or less of surviving to be 30 years old.

Once you survive to 30 now most people can expect to live until at least 90 if they make it to 30 to begin with.

But, trying to even make it to 20 was an extremely difficult thing growing up in the 1950s as a boy or a girl then.

Without abortions legal in many of the red states women will start to die like flies in Red States. So, you are bound to see women moving (as soon as they can) to a Blue state where they have equal rights to men.

Because in Red States now women are only slaves with less rights than children if they don't have legal access to abortions.

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