Thursday, August 11, 2022


 Before TV or Radio my Grandfather and likely his father before him told stories. Imagine a time with no internet, No TV, No Radio with only a few books and newspapers and that's all besides the telegraph. This was the era of my great Grandfather who was a captain in the northern Army of the civil War out of Kansas. Then my Grandfather was born in Kansas and he became a storyteller too which entertained his family on long winter nights and kept the family together. 

Slowly, Radio and TV and then Internet and Video Games filled this space in many people's lives. However, this also meant that people tended to communicate less verbally with each other than before generally speaking which was a loss of a kind for everyone.

It's much easier to get distracted by things around the world which allows you to avoid dealing with your own problems in some ways. So, often problems in families don't get solved at all sometimes ongoing.

Because unless you are trying to figure out how to solve problems to begin with they don't ever get solved along the way as human beings.

So, think about this as you distract yourself in all the ways each of us are capable of distracting ourselves with things that prevent us from solving the real problems in our lives ongoing.

When I was young I was an escape artist in some ways in that I didn't want to deal with the real problems in my life. 

However, by my mid to late 20s I began to realize that not solving each of my problems when I first became aware of them could be potentially fatal or life threatening in various ways.

So, whenever I saw a problem after this stage in life I jumped on the problem at the first sign of a problem because I knew from past experiences that if you don't stop problems while they are still molehills soon they become mountains and become insurmountable completely.

When people do this long enough they die or go insane often in their lives when they continue to run away from themselves and their problems in an ongoing fashion. Often then they are soon dead or wish they were.

So, learning to solve your problems while you are young enough to succeed at solving your problems is the key to a long and healthy and happy life to begin with. 

Otherwise, as we all have seen with friends and relatives, often those lives are soon cut short.

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