Friday, July 18, 2014

Reprint of: More regarding the Golden City

These are all real experiences my older daughter and I shared up on Mt. Shasta at Bunny flats and afterwards. It started when 2 friends and I got caught in a "White Out" during Christmas vacation from college in 1970. We were just going to Horse Camp to camp up there when it still was acceptable to stay there and it wasn't the full on emergency shelter it is now. So, we donned our snow shoes then in December 1970 and I had already drive 14 hours from San Diego to get there picking up one friend in Palos Verdes and another friend in Chico in my 1966 Seablue VW bug that I had in college then. But, when we arrived it was getting dark and snowing so we donned our snow shoes and set off even though it was snowing and getting dark. We were all about 20 to 22 years of age and so were "immortal" from our point of view then and couldn't die. But, when the snow storm became a complete white out we had to dig a snow cave to survive the night with our snow shoes and we almost froze to death because we really weren't prepared for this outcome. My joints all hurt for several years after that and I can't always tell what temperature my body is since then. So, we suffered exposure but not frostbite luckily. As we entered the snow cave I experienced the "Golden City" tethered to Mt. Shasta. I knew I saw it in case I died that night so I would know where to send my soul to to be in the right "Heaven Realm" for me to be in. 

note: as I went through all the dates in my mind I realized this had to have happened in December 1969 for it all to make sense and for me to have gone to Santa Fe in Fall of 1970 because I was going to college the following fall of 1971 at Palomar College in San Marcos, California when I lived in Rancho Bernardo, California nearby.


Friday, May 17, 2013

More Regarding the Golden City

When I wrote all these articles it started with a question from my daughter which was something like, "When you almost froze to death in a white out near Christmas in 1970 you said you saw the Golden City". My answer was, "Yes. I realized that if I froze to death and died that night instead of survive like I did that that was where I was to send my soul." Then she said, "What did it look like?" I thought a moment and then remembered it quite clearly and said, "It was like a city tethered in some way to Mt. Shasta that was just floating there at around 12,000 feet or 13, 000 feet next to Mt. Shasta." Then since we were at Bunny Flats she said, "Where is it now?" For me as an Intuitive often someone's genuine need of some sort will turn on my gifts very powerfully, and I said, "It's not up where it was then." And I was sort of dejected because I couldn't see it with my inner eye. Then my daughter said, "Where is it now then?" And then I started to laugh because I began to experience it right there at Bunny Flats and it made sense to me because of all the people with snowmobiles, and skiers and snowboarders and Mountain Climbers and tourists of all kinds who come there and how they all would be blessed by the "Golden City" just being there at Bunny Flats. But then I got scared because it felt like it did for a moment just before the 2004 Tsunami that killed around 250,000 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand and on many islands then around Christmas 2004. But then, I got a message from one of the residents of the "Golden City" that everything was okay and that I was just experiencing the power of the Golden City. I was experiencing the combining of multiple dimensions. Because the Golden City is a Heaven Realm for some of the souls of some of the humans here on earth. Since there are thousands and possibly even millions of heavens around Earth (some of which I have experienced when God was teaching me when I was in my teens and twenties). God let me look into various heavens to teach me that there were thousands around the Earth or more. And every religion likely has hundreds or thousands of heavens also. And there are also highly individualistic heavens too. Anyway, I got it to share these buttons because I just realized that the heart problems I had last fall were just me having to increase my rate of vibration because of all the spiritual changes happening on the planet. For many many people (including me) it is spiritually adapt to the changes or just pass on. But, I am very grateful for the miracle of once again feeling 20 years younger after finding out I have been allergic to gluten all these years. Amazing to feel so young once again after all the heart problems since October. Thank you God! For giving me back my health and life once again!

Jonathan and the Golden City

Jonathan Flow: The Golden City Now Covers the Earth

Jonathan Observes the Golden City Expanding

Jonathan and all the Changes

The Solar Logos

Golden Dragon Heaven


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