Saturday, May 18, 2019

500% of normal rainfall for May is very strange for California


Because our major rainstorms tend to be from about October through March. It's not that we can't get a large rainstorm (maybe one) in April or May of any given year it's just that 3 Atmospheric River storms isn't normal at all by anyone's stretch of the imagination.

It makes me think we are really in for it this century regarding weather and wind and the next century too because even if the human race stopped all changes to earth regarding CO2 and stopped making any CO2 or Methane at all, winds and storms still would continue to increase for the next 300 to 500 years anyway. So, this makes me think it is even more likely than before that the world populations are likely to reduce by half by 2100.

In the 20th century it was mostly about World war I and World War II killing millions and millions of people.

But here in the 21st century it is likely going to be more like Weather is going to have the same effect as war did in the 20th century. So, technology will save some of mankind from the terrible effects of weather this century, but mostly those living in first and second world societies. People in third world places likely will have to dig into hillsides and build boats a lot to survive what will come now.

It is primarily (when I look into the future as an intuitive) the winds (like winds across the Atlantic blowing waves all the way over Florida at one or more points for example so they water starts in the Atlantic Ocean and winds up in the Gulf of Mexico. This is the kind of winds we are talking about.

Or 300 to 400 mile per hour tornadoes running across the great Plains where mountains won't stop them. Or winds reaching more normally 100 to 200 miles per hour and taking off roofs of buildings and homes and barns and lifting up cars and throwing them too for miles and miles. So, this is more what we are going to see this century and the next.

So, I can see how underground augers digging tunnels like Elon Musk is doing in Los Angeles from Los Angeles to new York underground could be useful to avoid these winds. So, you might have trains going 200 to 300 miles per hour underground so they wouldn't be blown over by winds across the U.S. and you might not have airplanes able to land places because of high winds and the same with taking off. So, air travel might become more iffy than now too.

Ocean going vehicles would have to be constructed like ships that go to Antarctica now with built in bow planes and gyros to stabilize their trajectory through 30 foot waves across major oceans like the Atlantic and Pacific ocean for example, where tall cruise ships will start to capsize more in the winds and waves on into this century. So, air travel and large cruise ship travel might have to change over this century too.

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