Saturday, May 18, 2019

2,300,689 visits so far to intuitivefred888

Somehow this is another milestone in this blog's history. I remember back in 2011 when my readership first took off because I was advocating Geiger Counters for people in Japan after 3 meltdowns in Fukushima then and for anyone worried about radiation across the Pacific ocean on winds or waves too then.

Then I was advocating Crowdsourcing of people sharing their geiger counter readings on line since NO governments including ours was being very honest about all this radiation stuff at that time.

I haven't seen good reporting allowed since Chernobyl actually when many people died trying to fix that debacle in Ukraine when it was a part of the Soviet Union. Chernobyl was when anyone in the Soviet Union knew their leadership was completely out of control as far a Soviet Citizens were concerned and led to the end of the Soviet Union both directly and indirectly at that time.

If you are interested in an international blog like this one there are many things to think about to have it work. First, people need to know you are sincere and doing the research as best you can about what you are saying. Then they need to value what you are saying because it might help them stay alive through whatever comes around the world.

So, if you are going to create an international blog like this one that goes all over the world wherever Google Goes then you now know some of the things your readers need to get interested in your blog.

One of the unfortunate things for me is that I have stopped sharing quoted text of news articles and only mostly giving links (word buttons) to articles. Unfortunately many people in third world nations cannot get these links to work because of their present locations in various countries even though they might need this information to help them survive their lives.

However, my children tell me, (and one of my daughter's boyfriends is a lawyer in International law tells me I cannot display text of articles.

However, I have thought more about just paraphrasing information in my own words to help people more from digesting all the many news articles I read. So, I do this more and more as time allows me to on very important issues that affect almost everyone on earth.

So, thank you all for your support through the years as readers of this site! Have a Great Day!

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