Saturday, May 4, 2019

So, there are 5 languages that mobile apps are mostly written in?

  1. I have never heard of BuildFire.js before today. However, I have heard of Python vaguely. Java is often used along with HTML I hear a lot even though I haven't learned Java just HTML. PHP I have heard of and my son can program in C++ which he studied in college.
All the following computer languages I guess are often used to create mobile Apps.

  1. BuildFire.js. With the BuildFire.js, this language allows mobile app developers can take advantage of the BuildFire SDK and JavaScript to create apps using BuildFire backend. ...
  2. Python. Python is the most popular programming language. ...
  3. Java. Java is one of the most popular programming languages. ...
  4. PHP. ...
  5. C++

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