Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Scary Year?

As a life long intuitive I tend to look forward in time periodically to search for trouble spots. In this way I can keep myself, family, and as many people as possible healthy and alive by God's Grace. The way I see it God Gave me and everyone who is gifted the gifts we all have for a reason. So, our responsibility is to help mankind and all life with our skills.

So, like I usually do as one year ends I start to look forward through time through the year. At first I felt like I might die this year. But when I talked more to God about it, God said that I won't die but I will change a lot. But it isn't just me that will change, the whole world will change so much we might not recognize it much by next January. I hope it isn't anything like 2001 or something like that. But I do feel a lot of change coming and it doesn't make me feel very good as an intuitive. But what sustains me sometimes is just the French Philosopher Descartes' saying which is: "There is nothing so bad that no good may come from it and nothing so good that no bad may come of it." Throughout my life I have witnessed this to be an accurate statement regarding life here on earth. However, what is good and bad or at least what good and bad ultimately is defined as might be different for every single life form on the planet. So, mostly it is in the end: What is good or bad for each individual life form? So, what might be good for you might be bad for another being. In the end I think this year will be a roller coaster ride, so hopefully you have a strong heart and a strong stomach because the ride just began on January 1st 2012.

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