On one level I'm sorry the background check legislation failed in the Senate today. But, even though contained in this law was the provision that it was illegal to make a registry of those background checks (those allowed weapons and those not), you and I know (if we are realistic) that someone is going to compile such a list and publish it on the Internet for anyone to see. This is just the world we live in now. Why is that so bad? It is bad because it prevents the American people to continue to be a Civil Militia capable of defending their nation from within and without in times of emergencies.
Once a full registry of legal firearms is completed it only takes a moment for another Hitler (from within or without this country) and to round up and kill any minority like what happened to the 6 million Jewish people under Hitler. First, their weapons were registered. 2nd their weapons were confiscated. 3rd they were all rounded up (those that didn't run away and hide) and eventually either shot by machine guns (including children), gased (including women and children) or became the victims of horrific medical experiments like lab rats. So, in order not to repeat history there must be no registry of who has firearms or who was denied a legal firearm if we want to prevent another Hitler (outside or inside the United States) from doing the same thing here to the American people at some point in time.
For example, After the Connecticut massacre some people gathered the names of all legal owners of pistols by county in areas of the East Coast. Though they were reprimanded for doing this, still it was done. Once something like that has been compiled almost anyone within or without the U.S. could at some point confiscate those weapons and torture and kill the people who had had the weapons as well as those who did not have weapons. Also, when list like this is compiled criminals and rapists and murderers know what house to hit and what house doesn't likely have a legal pistol. So, they only have to worry about illegal or unregistered or heirloom weapons.
So, as much as on one level I wish the background check law had passed the Senate, on another level I breathe a sigh of relief that it becomes that much harder for anyone to compile a list in government or out of government of people who own legal weapons. Because anonymity of weapon ownership is what one day will save our democracy from becoming a dictatorship. It isn't a problem right now, but can you be honest and tell me it won't be a problem at some point in the next 50 years? 100 years? 200 years?
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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