Friday, July 25, 2014

Cold War II: Putin's dangerous game of depopulating the middle east of Sunnis while retaking Eastern Europe

Cold War II: The west is losing Putin's dangerous game:

I picked up the latest Time Magazine from the mailbox. And Putin is standing on the cockpit of the shadow of the fallen Malaysian Air Lines jet. The title of the magazine this week is:

Cold War II: The West is losing Putin's dangerous game

However, that title is a little short sighted because though we are in Cold War II and there likely isn't anyone who would deny that,  to say we are losing is just wrong.

LOSING WOULD BE EARTH INCINERATED BY NUCLEAR WEAPONS WITH THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE AND EVERY LIVING THING EXTINCT. Losing would be Earth looking like the Asteroid belt with the water and atmosphere gone. IN losing Putin loses too! As well as all life on earth.

Anything short of that isn't losing, it is trying to establish "Sphere's of influence" to maintain the survival of Europe, Russia, the U.S., Australia, and China and likely India and as many nations as possible. Cold wars the first one and the second one are about incinerating small nations instead of incinerating big ones like the U.S., Russia, China and Europe. Unfortunately, in small wars millions of people die. But, that is better than the 50 to 100 million that died from World War II.

Cold wars are about not incinerating the earth and instead incinerating small nations instead. Presently, the nations being incinerated by Putin are Ukraine, Syria and Iraq. However, Moldova and other Eastern Europeans nations might be next. To be more correct he is incinerating Syria by sending weapons to Assad which is causing ISIL to take over Northern Syria and Iraq and genociding Shias a direct result.

The real problem with all this is that Putin looks a whole lot more like a Stalin or Hitler who were responsible for 20 to 50 million deaths each. So, Putin has turned Russia into  a depopulating Colonial nation in that he is destroying other nations to bring them back into the fold. The first nation he destroyed was Syria and he liked that so much that he decided to destroy Crimea and Ukraine too.

Putin was responsible for 250,000 deaths in Chechnya as well.

  1. First Chechen War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to Continued Russian offensive - [edit]. A boy stands near a house in Chechnya. Following the fall of Grozny, the Russian government slowly but ...
  2. Second Chechen War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to Impact on the Russian population - [edit]. See also: Human rights in Russia and Racism in Russia. The start of the war bolstered the domestic ...
  3. Chechen War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Chechen War ... Chechen War may refer to: ... War, 1999–2009; Insurgency in the North Caucasus, 2009–present; Chechen–Russian conflict, 1785–present ...
  4. ChechenRussian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The ChechenRussian conflict (Russian: Чеченский конфликт) is the centuries-long conflict, often armed, between the Russian (formerly Soviet) government ...
  5. Chechnya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to Caucasian Wars - Main article: Caucasian War · Imam Shamil of Chechnya and Dagestan surrendering to Russian general Baryatinsky in 1859.

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