Sunday, August 30, 2015

Obama has kept his promise to keep us out of war and end the ones we were in

This, I believe more than any other reason is why Republicans are having such a hard time fielding candidates people want to vote for a little over 1 year from now in the next Presidential election.

Though we are bombing ISIS regularly almost every single day and getting rid of tanks, armored vehicles and any soft targets ISIS still has that are not reinforced enough to withstand Hellfire missiles or other ordinance we don't really have fighting boots on the ground outside of something like "NAVY Seals or Army Rangers" going in secretly at night where needed anywhere on earth they are allowed to.

So, without hundreds of thousands of "boots on the ground" the world has changed once again and thousands of U.S. Soldiers are not dying like they were between 2001 and last year or so.

So, I think this might be the main reason Republicans are having a hard time fielding candidates that the world or Americans can get excited about except maybe for Trump and  Ben Carlson.

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