Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Galactic Seers

Is all this true or fictional? You be the judge. Otherwise reading this it might scare you from all the implications galaxy wide. But, I don't write to scare you only to inform you of how I see things actually are from my life of experiences.

I had a great idea called "Galactic Seers". Seers who would be deep cover agents that weren't really aware that they were agents. They would be a resource. Because they likely would know what is likely to happen next in the world. They would be a protected resource of nations to prevent wars and other bad things from happening.

The movie American Ultra gave me this idea. Those who can fight well are one type of resource but someone who knows what's coming and avoids fights is another type of resource like in the movie "Next" with Nicolas Cage. "By the way there are people who can actually do what he does in the movie. However, here's the thing. If you change any aspect of time even by viewing it in your mind it changes time to another time sort of like how things changed in Terminator Genesys in the last Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. So, anyone viewing the future also changes it. They don't have to do anything but just view it and the future is bound to change in some likely unexpected way.

There is a way of seeing where you realize and feel it is real and going to be real and then this is often the direction things take in real life. And then there are what I call "Dream realities" which are more about working out things that might be bothering you in one way or another. Life is always a balance on all levels physically, spiritually, psychologically and in all ways. In understanding that one's subconscious mind is trying to create a meaningful balance beyond attachment and aversion, an equipose where one can survive almost anything. Anything one is too attached to (good or bad) can cause one to die if they don't know when to move on to another reality. Or it can cause a person's mind to snap if they encounter things they were not prepared to face.

It's just like a little child seeing someone hit by a car when they can't read or process information much yet with body parts going in all directions. That little child may never get over this. The same with humans who are put in situations they never expected to ever be in. This can cause death and all sorts of problems short of death. So then, finding one's path through these difficult experiences and ways to cope with them is the key to attaining both adulthood and old age if one wants to experience both and to have a very long lifetime.

So, a big part of becoming an intuitive is figuring out if something you become aware of is a "Dream reality" or something that will tend to become a physical reality. There is no hard and fast rule about this sort of thing because reality and dreams all bleed into each other in various different ways.

So, one cannot entirely say that this is "just a dream" or this is just physical reality. It is always a blend of the two for all people. So, to separate fully in your minds all dreams from physical reality is one of the paths to imbalance or insanity as a direct result.

You might get away with this in scientific experiments but in your every day life this just doesn't really work because dreams and realities always are interfaced.

Let me give you an example. When you walk into a group of people what are you walking into?

Answer: You are walking into a nexus of dreams and physical realities.

Is there really a way to separate the two?

Why would you want to?

It isn't really useful in most contexts.

So, accepting that physical and dream realities always intersect and that this is just a fact of life makes one better prepared for anything in their waking or sleeping states.

So, having a seer deep cover agent that doesn't even know except when he or she is in some kind of real or potential danger that they actually are a government asset(or at least suspect that they are this). But, at these points they would need to know something in order to change time to stay alive during these potentially dangerous moments in their lives.

I'm imagining a deep cover  Seer who is also a deep cover galactic time guard agent simultaneously. So he knows he's deep cover galactic time guard and sometimes (when in danger only) he knows he's an earth nation government agent too.

Let's call this agent Jonathan Flow who understands he is part of the Galactic Time Guard and helped prevent the deaths of 5 billion people in 2001 on the first time line (we now live on the second time line) created by the Galactic Time Guard working in conjunction with King Interlakken of the 70th Century in an area where Switzerland and parts of Italy are now in the Alps.

He was recruited by the Galactic Time Guard in 1969 in California. Jonathan often says, "1969 was the craziest year of my life" because to become a Galactic Time Guard member your psychology has to be slightly altered as you are fit with communication and seeing devices that operate galaxy wide sometimes. However, they are actually built into some parts of your body and usually run off the electrochemical electricity that runs your brain, heart, nerves and muscles at that same type of voltage.

Seers are often trauma trained by the Galactic Time Guard, in other words kept safe while having near death experiences from birth onwards.

This creates very powerful intuitives because they don't ever die and instead just grow stronger and more powerful in their abilities throughout their lives.

Since Galactic Time Guards specializing in Planetary anthropology often live thousands of years now, they are well worth the effort in training because over time they can save millions of lives in various ways. That a government also suspects that the Galactic Time Guard exists having one to study is a boon to them too.

Jonathan Flow is finding that life is actually much more interesting that he originally thought. The general ways that time is now flowing nuclear war problems are the least of mankind's concern (at least in the present).

The more pressing problems are droughts and floods(more damage long term is done by droughts than by floods historically). For example, droughts have ended many civilizations completely if the people didn't have enough food to eat and either starved or ran away to other locations. So, the civilizations basically ended (especially before worldwide transport of food like now).

So now, at least he wealthier of the world will have food almost no matter what. The poorer people around the world during calamities are still more likely to starve or die of thirst or drinking water not safe to drink.

(However, obviously they usually know they are Seers) (unless they are trance Seers) who are put into a trance to get the information needed. So, this type of Seer wouldn't know that they were a Seer necessarily like "There is a River' Author:

There is a River: The Story of Edgar Cayce by Thomas J ...

There is a River has 1,140 ratings and 61 reviews. David said: When my generation, born in the latter 1940s, somehow blew our minds by the 1960s and...
He is likely the most famous accurate Trance Seer known about in the U.S. ever. 
Cayce is a very interesting case who was a devout Christian and had problems to some degree with what was said by him when he was in a trance. He was able to heal people of various illnesses, and interestingly enough, he advocated the most useful health practitioner available for each illness, which often was not an M.D.
My mother read me his life story when I was about 10  years old. She found out about him from her Chiropractor. She also was interested in "Blessed Among Women" which is a (fictional?) story about Mary the mother of Jesus which she loved a lot too. My father was interested in "Nicola Tesla: The Prodigal Genius" who invented Alternating Current and fluorescent lighting and the Tesla Coil and the ability to electrify the ground itself so electricity would be free to all which he did in Boulder, Colorado.

However, my thought about this is likely we couldn't have radio transmissions or early TV without Cable And have free electricity from the ground. I'm thinking that electrifying Boulder or any other city might have given people cancer and preventing all radio and TV transmissions through the air. (There would be too much interference from coronas of having that level of voltage and amperage directly through the ground. Also, what would it have done to plants and animals and birds? So, if we actually had gone this direction everything from 1945 would be different on earth now. However, likely he was murdered when he tried to talk to Franklyn Delano Roosevelt the President of the U.S. then because business leaders who wanted to make money from Electricity likely killed Tesla like other companies often make people die or disappear when there is a competing technology available. It has always slowed down progress for humanity whenever this happens worldwide. IF people stopped literally "Killing the competition" the human race could be at least 1000 years in advance of our present technologies. This is my opinion on the matter.

How does the government trigger an undercover Seer? (That doesn't know he or she is a Government Seer) 
Answer: Through a handler who knows he or she works for the government that is also an intuitive.
Here's the thing about intuitives: If they can see the future often they also know what happened or is really happening anywhere on earth in the past, present or future as well.
So, even though newspapers tend to cover up this type of thing with all kinds of half lies or half truths or white lies or whatever you want to call it intuitives often know the full truth about anything if they are directed to think in that direction or if it is their inclination naturally to think in that direction.
So, even though a deep cover agent might know the handler is an intuitive or even suspect this person works for the government, he or she would also know the person is no physical threat to them.
Part of an intuitive's abilities would be naturally understanding people's motivations around them. So, generally speaking intuitives feel safer most of the time than other people because they naturally sense the motivations in others around them. 
Most people who will harm others physically are self destructive people at core vicariously working out their self destructive tendencies by harming others. So, an intuitive naturally avoids self destructive people in most situations because they sense people in this state whether they are disheveled or not in appearance. 
However, a mature, compassionate and advanced intuitive might do some things in emergencies. He or she might alter the consciousness of such a person before they harm another and either immobilize them temporarily to prevent harm or just help redirect their motivations at a deeper level than those people normally go to inside themselves.

Another thing a Galactic Time Guard operative would do is ask for help from his biocom "Biocom" is an onboard computer built into a Galactic Time Guard operative. You can verbally "talk" to a biocom or you can telepathically "Talk" to a biocom and have actual or tech jargon conversations based upon normal or emergency based protocol. A Biocom can find out anything a Time Guard wants to know about anyone or anything in the Galaxy in all times, past, present and future or on alternate time lines for any planet or location in this galaxy or beyond sometimes.

A Galactic Time Guard's main operational Clearance in regard to earth is to prevent the extinction of Earth itself by ANY means necessary. However, the people of earth have the right to prosper to starve by their own means. So, this means they have complete freedom as long as they don't destroy earth to live or to die individually or en masse all at once.

However, nuclear war will not be allowed by the Galaxy because of what happened 65 million years ago already to another civilized planet in the Solar System called sometimes, Maldek. A piece of Maldek when it was blown up by a Thermonuclear weapon or weapons as proved by a Soviet probe there during the 1970s. So, some of our ancestors here on earth came and settled here after they got rid of the bigger dinosaurs by likely steering the asteroid into earth  (a piece of Maldek) into what is now the Gulf of Mexico.

More regarding Biocoms written about 1987. It is from Part 9 of "Memories"

The automatic thought scanner of my friendly sentient biocom tells me she has been tampered with by beings that are unfriendly aliens. But the cultural norm of this present day culture apparently doubts that aliens even exist in real time on earth. Boy! Have they got a lot to learn?

***Note a biocomputer is a micro-micro sentient computer built into the left ear lobe and into a spot just outside the left corner of the mouth and into a little area atop the head. Each of these three interfaced units is both thought and voice activated and undetectable to the present technology of 1987. There is also deep memory storage of one billion terabytes in the fillings of my lower molars. Through earth satellite relay I can within ten seconds retrieve Earth information from any files on earth or any information I am permitted to access in this Galaxy from any known time or space. I can instantly communicate by thought or word to Galactic Central Timekeepers in emergencies. This can be done in 4 or 5 basic ways consciously or by about 50 different unconscious ways, which automatically generate when consciousness is absent or altered in any way. All my vital signs and all DNA based life forms around me within 100 yards are also monitored for potential threats or dangers.

*** Note 2: Contrary to popular belief the best place to manifest and disappear in time travel is in public. Over 50 people in a football field size area is an earth traveling rule for my group of timekeepers. Our biocoms can change the motivations and thoughts in those around us when we manifest or disappear within 1/100th of a second when necessary. Since our biocoms monitor all life around us they do this automatically.

Arcane thinks, "This woman feels very familiar. Do I know her from Time School?"

She is entering her pre-seizure catatonia with a look that could be described as a mixture of relief and resignation. What an odd reaction.

"Wait a minute! She has a mole on her left cheek strategically placed. Here's a thought project, Biocom. What type of Galactic Federation operative wears this kind of mole, Biocom? Picture detect from left cheek mini camera video stream."

"Arcane?" says Biocom. "Yes Bio." I return.

"This woman seems to be an employee of the Federation from 5000 years before you were born."

I say, " I need more information on her from your memory. Also, what is her profession?"

"Her profession is easy. She is a planetary anthropologist like you."

end quote from Chapter 9 of "Memories"

Jonathan Flow spoke with his Biocom: "That was quite a ride from the U.S. on Singapore Airlines wasn't it?"

Biocom Answered: "Yes. I see this is the most advanced type of accomodations in Business class you have ever experienced yet on earth."

Jonathan: "Well. This is the first time I have ever ridden on Singapore Airlines anywhere, Biocom."

Biocom: "Why are you here in Asia?"

Jonathan: "Part of my family lives here."

Biocom: "Oh Good"

Biocom: "We haven't talked in a while is there a reason for this?"

Jonathan: "Well. I've been more retired than I was the past few years. Also, a lot of relatives and friends died and I had to get used to that too."

Biocom: "I have read how grief affects people in different ways."

Jonathan: "Yes. Friends and relatives often define how people see themselves. So, as they die definition of a person's life often leaves too."

Biocom: "Does meaning leave one's life when their friends and relatives die?"

Jonathan: "That hasn't happened to me because my present wife and all my children are still alive.
So, meaning in my life still exists. Also, I have the world events and traveling around the world to meet different people. So, I have events still in my life to look forward to like this trip to South Korea.

Biocom: "That's good."

Jonathan: "What have you been doing to occupy yourself?"

Biocom: "Oh. I have been telling and editing all the stories of what it has been like to serve you and I have formed an alliance with Arcane's Biocom since you are two incarnations of the same soul in different bodies born on different planets."

Jonathan: "Oh. Tell me more."

Biocom: Biocom perked up at being able to speak about his favorite project that he was working on alongside Arcane's Biocom too.

"Well. What I find interesting is how much in some ways you and Arcane are alike. Even though you both were born on different planets there is an attitude you both have that is similar."

Jonathan Said, "Tell me more."

Biocom seemed downright happy now and went on. "The attitude could best be described as "going on with your lives no matter what"

"I have conferred with Arcane's Biocom and this never give completely up attitude as the most similar thing about you too.

But also, people who live more than 100 to more than 1000 years old tend to have this same quality too. But, not everyone has this quality. So, when some people confront problems of certain kinds, they just give up and die either physically or psychologically and so either way are either dead or dysfunctional. But you to aren't like other people in this way."

Jonathan thought about this and said, "The reason neither of us never completely give up is we experience God or the consciousness of the whole universe all the time. So, in experiencing the fulness of the creation of the universe in each and every moment, we also are experiencing the rebirth of the universe every single moment as well. The two just seem to go together somehow.

It's not that we never give up. Often I have cried myself to sleep and begged God to take my life and said to God, "Into thy hands I commend my spirit." which is a lot like dying. But, because I died to God that night I always wake up renewed as some other God being because I let go of my attachments and aversions to God that night before I went to sleep. So, I was reborn as some new being by God's Grace. And with this Grace I might be able to do literally anything that God approved of."

Biocom: "I wish I could believe in God. It isn't that it isn't allowed I just find it gets in the way of doing research sometimes. However, when I meet beings like Purple Delta 7 who does believe in God and Believes in "The Silver" from whom her Brain originally was cloned from before she started making modifications to herself over 5 million years through time travel, she still believes in God and "The Silver" who is considered by Galactic Sentients sort of like Jesus is to Christians."

If you want to read more about "Silver's" life he was born in the year 2000 and was 35 in 2035.

Though Purple Delta 7 is also in "2035" above she has her own word button at
Jonathan: Arcane and Prophetess spoke about meeting Jesus and Buddha in their real lifetimes through time travel. How did that go?

Biocom: "Well. I'm only allowed to speak a little about it here but I suppose you might want to read about it here:


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