Tuesday, December 8, 2015


When I reported that CNN TV said that Trump had dropped 11% in the polls in 24 hours I took it at face value that that was what was being reported. HOWEVER, later I realized what was actually being said was that Betters worldwide who are betting who will be the Republican nominee were creating the odds and what they said was Trump had lost 11% in their poll for becoming Repblican nominee which is much different than losing 11% in the polls by Republican voters. Another interesting thing on the worldwide betters poll. They had Rubio as being the most likely to be elected Republican nominee for President over everyone else as of today.

So, if you actually look at actual Republican voters poll nothing much has changed.

Here is the poll of actual Republican voters here in the U.S.:
Trump 36%
Cruz    16%
Carson 14%
Rubio   12%
Christie  4%
Bush       3%
Fiorina    3%

The other interesting thing I heard today was that Bush said he would have a female running mate for Vice president if he were elected the Republican Presidential nominee.

However, both he and Fiorina are at 3% so a lot would have to change before the first primary states for that to actually happen. (However, I suppose anything is possible at this point).

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