Saturday, January 23, 2016

Are UFOs real?

Let me ask you a question that may or may not answer this question for you:

Does the U.S. government deny that Jesus was real or existed? NO.

Does the U.S. government deny that Mohammed was real or existed? NO.

Does the U.S. government deny that Buddha was real or existed? No.

Therefore if they deny the existence of something you can almost bet what they are denying might exist using reverse logic.

Because otherwise what motivation would they have had in disappearing and killing so many people in the 20th century, and even to this day if you say the wrong thing you can still lose your whole career and wind up homeless on the streets.

You might not think this answers the question.

However, using reverse logic it absolutely does.

Billions and likely trillions of U.S. dollars have been spent to make sure you don't believe UFOs are real.

Why is this?

Billions and likely trillions of U.S. dollars have gone to disappearing people who talked about this too much.

Why would they do this unless it all was true?

It wouldn't be necessary. It wouldn't have been necessary.

So, whenever this much mind control goes on there is something real going on for at least since the 1930s or 1940s if not since earth was first created or before.

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