Thursday, January 14, 2016

It's presently snowing in Mt. Shasta and Lake Tahoe

It's much colder today so many places the rain is turning to snow even in lower elevations like the 3500 feet Mt. Shasta City and the 6000 foot Lake Tahoe throughout the Sierras today. So, if you are headed in these directions expect to drive through snow coming down at this point, especially on Interstate 5 north from Redding, California and from Auburn on Interstate 80 going over the Sierras you might want to bring chains just in case, especially if you don't have snow tires or a 4 wheel drive.

This could just get progressively worse into the night depending upon what the storm is doing then and where it is by then.

I've discovered a better way to report weather than just a radar report. Though it is true you know when rain or snow is leaving the clouds from the radar, you don't know for sure it is still snow or rain when it hits the ground. So, going to a city report site that also has a close up radar likely is more accurate for this kind of reporting live. But, of course best of all is if you are there witnessing it yourself as it happens!

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