Monday, January 25, 2016

Two BASE jumpers presumed dead in California after instructor attempts to save friend struggling in water

Two BASE jumpers presumed dead in California after instructor attempts to save friend struggling in water 

Updated: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 2:01 AM
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Mary “Katie” Connell was identified as one of two BASE jumpers who died in Big Sur, California. Facebook

Mary “Katie” Connell was identified as one of two BASE jumpers who died in Big Sur, California.

Two California BASE jumpers drowned when an instructor dived in after a woman struggling in rough waters but couldn’t save her.
Mary "Katie" Connell is presumed dead after successfully jumping off Bixby Bridge into Bixby Creek, but being dragged into the Pacific Ocean by strong waves crashing into Big Sur coastline.
Officials say that her friend, an unidentified Finnish instructor, heroically parachuted down from the 280-foot-high bridge to try and save his 20-something friend, according to KSBW.
Investigators from the Monterey County Sheriff’s Department were able to see the events that led to Connell’s death on a video taken from the instructor’s GoPro camera before he took off his helmet.

A friend of the two victims said that the pair were experienced BASE jumpers before the tragic accident at Bixby Bridge.

Her male companion is presumed to have died after also being carried away by surging waters.
BASE jumpers to throw themselves off of objects such as buildings, bridges and cliffs, spending frightful moments freefalling befpre pulling the cord of their parachutes.
Others use wingsuits that allow them to reach speeds of around 100mph before slowing their descent and parachuting to safety.
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Two BASE jumpers presumed dead in California after instructo…

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