Sunday, June 5, 2016

I do not suppress advertising online

Whenever I look at sites online I do not suppress advertisements and likely won't. Even when 25% or more of you do this on your smartphones I likely won't do this. The reason for this is just like Television someone has to pay for it. However, by DVRing everything I watch on TV I do fast forward through all advertisements. Why is this? Because I don't want to watch 20 minutes for every hour of television (on average) watching advertisements or waiting for them to be over . However, I find online advertisements more innocuous to me generally speaking than the last 60 years of TV advertising since I watched my first TV program (the 1952 Republican Convention at age 4 which brought us General Eisenhower who helped win World War II). And if a site gives me just too many advertisements for it's own good I just stop going there entirely online completely and don't go back.

Also, in regard to television many people watch TV over older technology worldwide and don't have DVRs and so they might understand like I do that without advertisers you aren't going to have the whole medium unless they are channels like HBO and Showtime and Starz and other pay for TV channels.
So, even though they might get up and go to the bathroom during a commercial just like my parents and I always did in the 1950s and 1960s we also understood that without advertisements we couldn't watch the shows we loved in the 1950s and 1960s. It was better accepted then in regard to this first black and white and then all or mostly all color medium over the years.

However, 60 years later now (64 years later now) I'm not longer willing to watch 20 minutes per hour of commercials when I can afford to do something else regarding television.

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