Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Bilocation is much safer than Astral projection

Why is Bilocation safer than Astral projection?

Because during astral projection often the whole soul leaves the body and this can leave your body vulnerable to things that go bump in the night.

Whereas Bi-location allows you to be two or more places at the same time. Bi meaning two places. But, there is also tri-location and multi-location depending upon the mental skills of the practitioner.

What I mean by this is there are many ways you can perceive reality. And all these ways alter how you function here on earth.

Here's the best way I know to think about this. Generally speaking you don't want to be soul traveling while you are standing or walking or running or driving a car or boat or plane.

Generally speaking you want to be sitting down or laying down when you soul travel. Why?

Because it takes concentration to do any of this and if you are driving a car trying to soul travel you can easily crash and die doing this. So, when you are driving a car (or walking around in a body) unless you are a master at soul travel this is a stupid time to practice Soul Travel and could be fatal to you or others.

But, then again everyone has different skills. For example a beginning surfer if he tried to surf a 50 or 100 foot wave is going to die for sure usually. But, a really gifted experienced surfer might survive surfing a 50 or 100 foot wave in reality. It's pretty much the same with soul travel.

Maybe here is the best question of all: Why do you want to Soul Travel?

Is your motivation a good one?

It is important to think about this in relation to soul travel.

By God's Grace

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