Sunday, March 15, 2020

IF you go to the Emergency room at your local hospital for anything:

You could now infect anyone and everyone in the waiting room there and case many deaths in the short and long run by doing this IF YOU HAVE CORONAVIRUS AND DON'T KNOW FOR SURE. Why?

Because the virus is everywhere and people going in for things like injuries and operations in the emergency room are already vulnerable TO INFECTIONS FROM OTHER THINGS.

So, it's really important to call your emergency room BEFORE you go there no matter how sick you are to tell them you are coming. If you are in a traffic accident or are bleeding to death you have no choice but to go. If you are having a heart attack or stroke of course you have to go. BUT, IF YOU HAVE A FLU OR COLD YOU DON"T WANT TO EXPOSE EVERYONE IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM WITHOUT CALLING FIRST SO THEY CAN PREPARE FOR YOU IN CASE YOU HAVE CORONAVIRUS AND NOT A COLD OR REGULAR FLU!

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