Sunday, October 25, 2020

If you are going to fly commercial wear both a mask and goggles that are sealed. Why?

 Because the ways you get infected are through your nose, mouth and eyes. So, protecting your nose and mouth with a mask is one way and then protecting your eyes from micro coronavirus spray by wearing goggles that are sealed is another way. If I was much younger and in my 30s or 20s or younger this is what I would do whenever I flew commercial either domestically or overseas to other countries.

However, I do know that on one flight to Viet Nam from London one infected non-symptomatic coronavirus carrier infected 15 people on that one flight. So, this can be a problem too. The longer the flight the greater the risk of contracting coronavirus during that flight.

Food isn't a problem because your saliva and digestive juices are going to kill coronavirus. But, if you breathe it in or get it in your eyes you can get it anywhere, anytime day or night on earth. Maybe wearing glasses or sunglasses might help too to protect your eyes from the spray of people talking or coughing on a more regular basis.

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