Wednesday, October 7, 2020

IF you are new to understanding anything about HTML and are a blogger (that just uses auto-encoders now)

If you are new to HTML and trying to learn something about it. If you are in HTML mode which is to your left if you are a blogger at you see something that looks like a pencil at an angle. If you click on that button it will say on the top "HTML view" and on the bottom Compose view. However, be careful what mode you are in because if you are in HTML mode you have to do EVERYTHING yourself with coding. So, nothing will work like Compose does where it writes the code for you and all you have to do is to learn to type something and how to add pictures to your pages. If you are in HTML all this is very complicated until you become more proficient with HTML over time. But, it is very much like learning a new human language except that a programming language has to be perfect in order to work. If you don't write perfect code that the every computer that understands HTML can navigate then nothing works at all usually or it does something really weird you don't want.

This is my first lesson when you are in HTML mode. Try this because it is easy to learn. <p> means paragraph which is one of the easiest things to learn in HTML which will make your writing skip a space so you have a paragraph demarkation.

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