Tuesday, October 13, 2020

most read articles of this site as of October 13th 2020 Tuesday

The reason I don't give you the dates that this covers is it isn't really listed in my stats that way. It just shows me the number of visits to each article. So, even though I'm assuming it means the last week it doesn't say that so I realized saying that isn't useful unless it says that somewhere on the stats page.

The very top of my site is the most read articles over the last 30 days. So, this list likely is over the last week or so because the lists are somewhat different. The two top articles get hundreds and hundreds of visits always and have for a few years now because everyone is worried about drones killing everyone on earth one day worldwide.

If you want to scare yourself regarding Drones just watch "Oblivion" with Tom Cruise to see potential future killing drones flying through the air. Though who Tom Cruise unknowingly is working for might not be possible, the drones shown in this movie are technologically feasible to create even now, except they would have to be working more like Cruise missiles or jet or helicopter technology instead of what you see in the movie as of now.

We don't have anti-gravity technology like you see in these drones perfected quite yet (at least that I know of). But, we do have Mag Lev High Speed Trains like the TGV in France that I rode from Paris to Nice on to the Cote D'Azure or French Riveria on in 2009 with my wife and daughters.

October 7th 2020 Wednesday: LInks (hyperlinks) of the articles on this date from the last 7 days or 168 hours
Posted by intuitivefred888

Tiny migrating yellow and Green Birds
Posted by intuitivefred888

Chuck Lorre Productions #264 and #265
Posted by intuitivefred888

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