Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Since Trump appears to be killing people from worry about their country I posted about Atrial Fibrillation

It seemed like an appropriate thing to do. How to reduce Atrial Fibrillation? Turn off the news and do a spiritual retreat like go to the ocean and walk or go into a forest and walk if you can. Also, a blood thinner might prevent blood clotting and going somewhere like your heart or brain and killing you or maiming you too. So, if you are having Atrial Fibrillation caused by Trump and the Trump Government giving you apoplexy first turn off the news and then go take a walk somewhere beautiful to clear your head. Walk your dog. Walk with a friend or your children. Take your mind off the craziness long enough to be able to cope once again with being alive.

I was thinking how we muddled through all the rest of the presidents the last 72 years of my life. All the people that those presidents didn't cause the deaths of still kept moving on with their lives. All the craziness of the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy Assassination, the Gulf War, the Iraq War and the Afghanistan war (which is still ongoing by the way) all of us who were not soldiers mostly survived and went on with our lives.

This war now is the war against coronavirus. Right now coronavirus is winning (especially in killing Republicans and blacks and Hispanics and Native Americans). This is what we all are living with right now.

IT is horrific for everyone. If you have never seen anyone die before you likely are living in some kind of fantasy about all this. I don't know if it's better to have watched people die or not. Imagine how horrific it is for nurses who have seen hundreds suffocate and die from coronavirus when they meet or hear about people who believe it all is a hoax.

I remember reading how the Spanish Flu was called the Purple Plague because people turned purple trying to breathe before they died. This might also be happening with the coronavirus too. Whooping cough deaths are like this too.

Watching a child or adult die is always horrific. But, maybe people who think all this is a hoax should see how some of the people are dying so they are more real about all this. It's not a hoax when people are suffocating and dying all around you in hospitals and in homes with or without doctors everywhere on earth.

I can be in denial of Grizzly Bears existing too. But, if I walk out into a dense forest of Alaska and don't believe in Grizzly bears I might be dead if I don't have a rifle that is like a 30 odd 6 or greater too.

You can not believe in coronavirus and still die from it if you don't wear a mask.

If you don't believe that is real you might soon be dead having suffocated and all purple from trying to breathe. 

Now That's Real! 

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