Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The biggest problem worldwide isn't coronavirus but rather the starvation it is causing worldwide

In a normal year it is expected that 100 million to 150 million people will starve to death worldwide: men, women and children.

But, this year because of food supply chain problems and fear 250 million people are expected to starve to death worldwide. And this is per year until this coronavirus is over likely in 2022.

So, this year and next year we can expect 500 million people to starve to death worldwide because of Coronavirus. 

Then we can expect 50 to 100 million people to die of coronavirus total this first year by likely April if people around the world are actually honest with themselves regarding tested and untested cases worldwide.

So, this means that we should expect 550 million to 600 million people combined dying from a combination of Starvation and coronavirus worldwide with all the damage to the walking wounded who will survive their relatives dying like this worldwide.

This number of deaths is more deaths than World War II and World War I combined by the way. So, it is a terrible hit to the fabric of mankind.

Even in this country if people don't have cars to drive to food banks they might starve if they are afraid to ride on a bus or get a ride to go get food from a food bank. 

But, generally speaking in this country as long as middle class and above fund our food banks there will be enough food for everyone as long as everyone has transportation to get this food from food banks all over the country. 

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