Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The World is experiencing Evolution through Natural Selection

It isn't pretty at all because millions of us are dying through this process and we likely will never be the same again because of it.

I was watching SNL that showed first the last Saturday night where Bill Burr, the comedian hosted. He has a very cutting form of humor which is definitely not PC but also very honest. 

I'll try to paraphrase one joke in his introduction:

Bill Burr:"If you don't want to wear masks, it's okay if you want to kill Grandma and your parents. There's too many people here on earth anyway!"

This is definitely not PC but also the truth.

We watched the whole white House get exposed because they didn't understand that the Abbott Quick Tests are potentially 50% false negative when exposed to Asymptomatic carriers. A Medical Professor from Minnesota warned them of this problem with the quick tests in June and told them that they were playing Russian Roulette with the President's health but I guess they didn't listen to this.

So, when the Rose Garden event happened and Hope Hicks and Melania and President Trump all got coronavirus as well as ex-Governor Christie of New Jersey it was all basically inevitable there if people weren't going to wear masks at this event.

So, as we all get thinned out through natural selection during these years we are living, wearing a mask might be the ONLY way you are for sure possibly going to survive all this. And even wearing a mask only works in some types of situations.

These quick tests whether they are made by Abbott or others have a potential to be 50% false negative under the right conditions.

A friend said they got a home test and decided not to take the test but sent it in as a test and came up positive without taking the test which means that even without any information AT ALL it still gave a positive result which is crazy too! 

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