Friday, October 2, 2020

Woodward had an interesting point of view about why Trump didn't protect himself from coronavirus

 Woodward said when he interviewed Trump for his latest book "Rage" about Donald Trump, Trump basically conveyed to him that he couldn't get coronavirus. Woodward said: "It was a mystical belief of Trump's that he could not get this."

This might have come from programming by his father after Trump's grandfather died the first year of the Spanish flu in New York in 1918, or it could have come from Trump's mental illness which is narcissistic personality disorder. One of the common effects of this mental disorder is counseling is completely useless for people with personality disorders of any kind. The other thing they tend to have in common is no one can tell them anything because they always have to be right about everything whether they are or not.

So, likely his personality disorder made him ripe for getting and potentially dying of coronavirus because no one could tell him anything because his mind wouldn't accept that no matter what it was.

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