Sunday, November 28, 2021

The problems the world faces are actually quite different than anyone has yet recognized

I'm an intuitive who is a precognitive intuitive which just means I often sense what is coming before it happens.

Is this a good thing?

Sometimes it helps me and other people who listen to me survive things in life. So, I guess it's a good thing in this sense that me and people who know me or of me often survive things that others don't.

And what I'm getting now would be like if you sensed 9-11 was going to happen only not just to New York City but somehow to the whole world.

It's just hard for me to put my finger on it because we are facing things that the human race hasn't exactly experienced before.

You could say we have experienced pandemics and plagues and you would be right. But, what we are facing is not exactly anything we have faced together as a world before.

I think the biggest difference now is that we have Jet planes that move passengers all over the world so that a person can be in New York and literally within 24 hours fly all the way around the world through like Europe and Siberia and China and Japan and then fly over Hawaii on the way to San Diego or Los Angeles or San Francisco and then land in New York city only landing a few times and likely do this in 24 hours maybe worse for the wear of not eating or sleeping right but having circumnavigated the world.

This makes pandemics and plagues much more serious especially Air born ones like  we are dealing with now. It makes it possible for one pandemic to spread worldwide within about 1 month or less affecting thousands to millions of lives, especially in cities worldwide.

What we are presently facing has not really been faced by any past world era because of jet planes where an Air Born Virus threatens literally everyone on earth like this.

And then there is Global Warming and Global Climate changes.

So, hopefully now enough humans will actually survive this century so we have a decent gene pool to work with the next 100,000 or more years to come.

In other words, hopefully human civilization and human beings themselves can survive this century with enough people left to breed to continue humans surviving and living here on earth.

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