Sunday, November 28, 2021

Variants are moving the world from economic interdependence back towards Independence

Is this Bad or Good? I would say it is both.

Interdependence though it tends to prevent wars like when Kissenger and Nixon created an economic agreement with China in the early 1970s it prevented a war with China and Mao up until now. So, basically they bought us 50 years without a world War with China by creating an economic interdependence with China.

Now, because of Variants that is beginning to reverse to where both China and the U.S. and all nations are having to become more independent economically once again. Is that good or bad? 

If we have a war because of it like China invading Taiwan and the U.S. having to get involved it's likely bad. But, if the U.S. is less dependent upon inexpensive goods from China that might be a good thing if there is no war.

You have this sort of thing playing out worldwide now caused by variants like the Omicron and Delta Variants as well as future variants coming every day now from remote places in the world.

The endemic worldwide nature of Covid has now changed everything and will continue to change everything ongoing for all nations on earth.

The biggest selloff since 1931 of the stock market on a Black Friday is one indication of this.

Then you have Global Climate changes specifically now the drought getting worse in the Western STates like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, California and others.

I was listening to a lady whose family farm has existed for 150 years in Arizona talk about how within a year or two she will have no choice but to sell her family farm that has been there for 150 years because there is no water for her left to farm with that is inexpensive enough to prevent her from selling her farmland.

So then, these two types of things are happening throughout the western United States but Variants are also affecting us globally.

So, individuals will have to scramble more to survive independently by growing their own food and making their own clothes more worldwide because of many of these factors as these factors trickle down to individual survival worldwide.

In the end, you either do WHATEVER IT TAKES to survive whatever you are facing or you don't survive.

So, being adaptable is the key for everyone now and being independent enough in one's actions to survive whatever comes next.  

Note: I got to thinking later about all this and the reason people will have to more and more grow their own food and make their own clothes is when all the lady farmers and their men who have to sell their farms because there is no water inexpensive enough to continue to grow food and sell it then food will become so expensive many people won't be able to afford it. So, when you cannot afford food because it is too expensive to buy you join together with others and grow your own food and make your own clothes and quilts and stuff like that worldwide. end note.

For example, several of my friends have wells on their land in Mt. Shasta (usually 2 1/2 acres or so) and so the water is free except for the electricity there. So, I have two different friends that grow about 70% of what they eat year around. So, imagine your food bill being basically 70% less by growing your own food and canning your own fruit and making your own pies and juices and freezing or canning whatever you can for a later day. 

A 70% lower food bill for many people is no small thing.

And one of my friends uses the power utility there and the other is off the grid with solar and a gas generator for when it is too cloudy or stormy to create enough electricity through solar. You are going to see more and more people go into the wilderness where there is enough free or well water available in the U.S. and buying inexpensive land and building their own homes or bringing motor homes or trailers while they build their homes and then growing their own food and some will make their own clothes remotely while using solar power and back up gasoline generators when there isn't enough sunlight from storms and clouds. Solar is now inexpensive enough to actually do this for many people who want to live somewhere remote and beautiful now in the U.S.

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