Sunday, October 23, 2022

ONly the richest usually can afford to go all electric including vehicles worldwide

Acting like something else is true is only going to cause mass starvation as gasoline and diesel skyrocket in price worldwide. So, the infrastructure of Oil reserves worldwide is necessary for most people on earth to be able to have food to stay alive. If this isn't done we could easily lose about 1/2 of the population of earth by 2050. 

I suppose any way you look at the problems the world faces now it is pretty horrific from global climate changes to sea level rising up to 16 feet within 20 years world wide. 

For example, where I live on the northern California coast we made sure our house when we got it 20 years ago was about 125 elevation above the ocean. This would allow us to survive a really huge tidal wave which can happen all along the Pacific coast usually caused by an earthquake but could also be caused by a nuclear blast in the Pacific Ocean somewhere.

I'm very concerned now that it isn't just Autocracies that are going to collapse now I'm also seeing how even Britain or the United States could also collapse caused by a multiplicity of factors mostly millions migrating at this point which is caused by extreme global climate changes.

So, if we don't have oil at good prices millions and then billions will naturally starve to death especially those desperately migrating by the millions now because of being displaced caused by weather changes worldwide of one kind or another.

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