Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (the way it is presently being used) is potentially suicidal for the human race

I can remember watching "Terminator" in 1984 and because I studied computer programming and computer technology in college starting in 1966 I knew full well that "Terminator" wasn't just a movie but also a harbinger (a warning) to future mankind. Actually, when I saw Terminator(1984) I cried because I found it to be so poignant and on the money.

However, reality often comes in a different form than any of us expected. For example, Fake Videos recently I believed could (and still can) end all government sort of like Trump being a criminal. If you can fake anyone saying anything and make enough people believe it then human civilization is over in a nuclear blast. (theoretically).

So, believing anything you see in videos anymore goes out the window for all of us potentially.

Now we have things like

Introducing ChatGPT

Nov 30, 2022ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.
and we have other AI forms coming out almost weekly. How long before people start having their lives ruined by these Artificial intelligence forms.
Elon Musk and other professionals writing about how this is incredibly dangerous for everyone on earth are absolutely right. AI has absolutely no knowledge about consequences of any AI's actions anywhere.
So, imagine thousands of mass shooters shooting wild shots into members of the human race at random.
This is basically what the forms of ChatGPT do every day now everywhere on earth.
If you don't believe me try out ChatGPT for yourself and see what the possibilities are for death and mischief with these (Artificial human programs with no consequences for anyone) involved.
How do you know this won't lead to the end of the human race? You Don't!
No one does because there are no checks and balances at all.
It's sort of like setting a Tesla to drive automatically with no human at all on board. I'm not sure if this has been done yet in reality but people likely could die (who are not on board such a Tesla) anywhere on earth. 

It would become sort of like a cruise missile driving to some location to be blown up along the ground.

ChatGPT and other AIs are sort of like millions of cruise missiles doing "I don't know what?".


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