Sunday, October 6, 2024

Angels are always there in our lives whether we recognize them or not

I think this is a good place to start.

One of the most important things my parents ever taught me is: "What you think about you become."

This simple statement I have always found to be true. If you want good things in your life you have to put your attention on good things to begin with. Otherwise life often becomes unbearable and you die before your time.

So, recognizing the angels when they are there helping you whether you see or recognize them or not is maybe one of the most important things in regard to your sanity or survival as a human being on earth.

Many people try to relegate angels and fairies and all these kinds of things to children's fairy tales and not being real at all.

The problem with this is they are all real both when you are a child and also when you are an adult. And denying the existence of all these beings just makes you more in danger of physically dying or going insane.

Life has always been difficult. I'm amazed out ancestors kept going through it all. But, many kept going if only for their children and grandchildren. People who didn't have children often died young before 30 years of age always. You tend to notice that many or most people who made it to 70 or beyond had and raised those children to adulthood. This is one of the many reasons they are still alive in their 70s and beyond too.

Accepting the angels into your life is a part of long term survival here on earth.

I suppose other people might make other agreements with life and God but I find angels make my life worthwhile living here on earth and 2nd to this is my family and friends.

By God's Grace


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