Thursday, October 24, 2024

Many people work diligently to prevent human extinction:

 This blog is a lot about this too.

However, the method of preventing human extinction is often the use of Retroactive Time Travel.

What does this mean?

It means that the Flying Saucer or Saucers that President Eisenhower bought in the early 1950s at Muroc Air Base (now Called Edwards Air Base) are used to prevent nuclear war or other things that end nations or the whole planet and things that drive the human race extinct this century or before.

What is retroactive Time Travel?

It means that sending robotic drones and other devices or people forward through time to observe what happens over time. Then if things need to be changed the people causing the problem with people on earth by extincting everyone are eliminated in various ways before they can do the damage to the planet and the human race.

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