Thursday, October 3, 2024

What do you want to Write about?

 Is it factual or fiction or a combination of both? However, if you are going to write about something it is sort of important if it is not fiction that you need to know something about you are writing about.

For example, I try not to write about places I have never been before here on earth. Why? Because what do I know. However, I can easily write about California because I have lived in many places like San Diego, Vista, El Cajon, Encinitas, San Marcos, Glendale, Tujunga, SF Bay area, Mt. Shasta, Hana and Paia Hawaii etc. etc. etc.

Many people have not been as mobile as I have been in my life. Is it good to have lived so many different places? I'm not sure how to answer this. I suppose I could say it might be sort of lonelier to live so many different places simply because you tend not to be around people that are your old friends from those places anymore. So, you only can visit them sometimes or never. 

The other side of living a lot of places is you might be able to become exactly who you always wanted to become because often people get stuck in how they think about you. So, when you go somewhere else often you can be whoever you want to be and make some new friends. However, I have found that the quality of my friends mostly goes back to around age 5 to 25 years of age. I has been much harder for me to make friends after this mostly because I was married by 26 and having children so I had to financially support them and this took a lot of work from then on. So, friends were much easier to come by through college than after college and I think most people would agree with me. You cannot expect the people you work with at your job or the business you own to be your best friends. That is very rare any way you look at it.

So, what do you want to write about? And what do you know about what you want to write about?

And have you realized that if you write about factual things that you might need experience in this department?

For example, if you are a virgin (male or female) writing about love might not be the best idea.

If you have never studied deeply science then writing about Science Fiction if you want it to be based upon real since like George Lucas or Gene Roddenbury or others won't work either.

However, if what you write about is fantasy and people know it's complete fantasy then I guess you can write about anything you want to and it might be okay.

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