Friday, October 4, 2024

Why is it important to write your own Creation Story?

 I think calling your Creation ideas a myth might not be useful also. Because your Creation Story is how you think you came about as a spirit here on earth. How did you get here from wherever you came from. Of course if you believe you are ONLY a human body here on earth that might also help you write in that vein too. However, defining your existence from your own experiences in this lifetime I find to be very empowering. Why?

Because most of your life people are telling you what to believe. And if you are able to free your own mind and to think for yourselves then you begin to be able to define what is actually going on and where you came from too which is very empowering or can be if you are brave enough to do this.

So, writing your own personal Creation story might be important to your own psychological and physical and mental survival on into old age.

If you go through life as a slave to other people's beliefs and don't allow your own beliefs to flourish then you will die a slave maybe not physically a slave but you will die a slave to others beliefs that may not be your own. And often these beliefs were forced down your throat as a child. Why not free yourself to be able to form your own thoughts and your own beliefs in the Sight of God?

By God's Grace

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