Saturday, November 2, 2024

Hitler Had and Trump Has Narcissistic personality disorder

 What stands out the most in this mental disorder which I suppose could be also called a mental illness because there is no therapy for this condition presently available that I know of.

What stands out the most is a complete lack of empathy for anyone but themselves.

This is bad enough when an average person has this problem but in a world leader it would be (and was under Hitler) a complete disaster for everyone including himself.

So, the problem is if people vote in Trump they are voting in a mentally ill person who is incapable of caring for the people of the United States including the people who vote for him.

I consider personality disorders an extreme form of PTSD that isn't treatable or curable. However, I know there might be many who disagree with me.

However, it is very dangerous for Trump and very dangerous (extremely dangerous) for the world if Trump became president because you will likely have the same problems with Trump as the world did with Hitler if he was elected president almost exactly.

And people who vote for him who deny this often have some form of PTSD themselves often from military service so they recognize someone with the same mental and emotional problems that they have.

So, if you were wondering why some of the people are voting for him it is for this reason.

Other people vote for Trump because they are really angry (which also could be PTSD related).

And Other people don't have Critical thinking skills and vote for him because they are basically ignorant or have trouble ferreting out the truth from people around them.

Any way you look at it it is the worst disaster the U.S. is facing potentially since the Civil War from 1860 to 1865.

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