Saturday, November 2, 2024

How did my experiences with Jesus and Saint Germain Start?

 People were very religious more than now in the 1950s. My grandmother who lived with us after I was born had had a stroke when my mother married my father and so was just recovering when I was born so she was a live in nanny that I called Nana from the time I was born. My mother said that her mother became a different person after her stroke after she came out of her coma. Before the stroke she was skinny and nervous but after the stroke she was stocky and more mellow and not nervous anymore. So, my mother felt that an Angel or something had come to help raise me as a result.

This is what my mother thought about all this.

Then the first time I can remember the angels was when I had whooping cough when I was 2 years old and they came and healed me from whooping cough so I wouldn't die from it. Then I wanted to go be with the angels because life on earth didn't seem that great to me. So, I wanted to travel with the Archangels that visited me and healed me. So, I began praying by age 4 or 5 to Soul travel with the Angels and I continued these prayers until I was given this gift by Archangel Gabriel when I was 20 years old. 

At age 5 I had chicken pox and my mother and grandmother were praying for me in the next room while I was left alone and I remember that the room lit up all Gold and I knew Jesus had come to heal me. I loved this feeling of Jesus so much that I often wanted to be sick just to feel Jesus and the Angels presence again once more.

Then at around age 8 or 9 years old my parents were ministers on weekends and Sundays and in charge of a church in Los Angeles and I had to go especially on weekends with them a lot and I was bored and 8 or 9 years old. 

One day I saw the pictures of Jesus and Saint Germain and Angels up on the platform where the ministers talked and sang and I had heard that one should pour their love to Jesus and Saint Germain and the angels so I did this. I tried doing this.

When I did this Jesus and Saint Germain started talking to me and telling me what they wanted me to do next in life. At the time I was grateful for their help because I was an only child living with 3 adults including my Grandmother. So, getting help from Sacred Beings who were perfect in the eyes of God was a great boon to me.

This has continued all my life where I can talk back and forth to Jesus and Saint Germain and Archangel Michael and various other angels and sacred beings like Mary the Mother of Jesus who has really helped me a lot in life by the way especially for the last 35 years of my life.

So, for me, pouring my love to Jesus and Saint Germain began a life long conversation with both of them ever since.

By God's Grace

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