Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Could Middle East problems and Chinese economic collapse create a depression?

This isn't likely in the short run. However, in the long run (being 1 to 5 years) a recession worldwide or a depression is possible. The Way China is dealing with it's problems (it's not really practically dealing with them by the way) likely because too many things have changed too fast and no one has ever experienced in China (since the 1950s) anything remotely like what is happening now). So, there is no precedent for what is happening now, so there is no knowledge in China for how to deal with what is happening now.

The reason things are likely to get worse is that there's is a top down nation. In other words there is no grass roots response allowed to top down ideas.

Until there are grass roots solutions in place China is likely to get worse and worse because with this amount of change in any country(even a large one like China) only at a grass roots level can problems like this be solved.

(Think the Soviet Union in the 1980s when it collapsed) when you try to solve this problem in your head. So, what I'm saying is complete economic collapse of China might be likely because top down solutions won't work to solve what is presently happening there, only grass roots solutions of people on the ground actually could work now. And I don't think the government or the military would allow this. So, just expect China to completely collapse given present variables in place.

However, some miracle could occur for China because of these problems too that we here in the U.S. or Europe might not think of.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

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