Monday, January 4, 2016

Is the present Crisis against Saudi Arabia by Iran manufactured by the Iranian Government?

Yes. It is a possibility that the Iranian Government hired thugs to use this situation to end relations with Saudi Arabia to raise Oil prices. This could be exactly what is happening.

Both Russia and Iran might be involved in a plot to raise oil prices and they already have if this is what is actually happening now.

Can I prove this?

No. I don't think anyone can at this point.

However, do Iran and Russia have a lot to gain by this chaos causing oil prices to rise?


However, I think it was really bad judgement on the part of Saudi Arabia not to realize that executing 47 people including an influential Shiite Cleric popular in Iran wasn't going to cause something like this to happen. So, Saudi Arabia by doing this might just have done something that eventually ends their whole government the way this presently looks.

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