Saturday, February 22, 2020

After Watching Project Bluebook on History Channel

Once I again when I watched the episode and others around Area 51 this year I once again
pondered who is actually running things if we actually reverse engineered the Roswell
craft by 1950 to 1953. Who is running our government? IF you have a craft that travels both
time and space like the Roswell craft did you would use this to stop nuclear wars by retroactively
stopping the nuking of cities on earth or the whole planet (which apparently has happened many many times since 1945 already) likely both from Terrorists as well as nations and accidents.

So, who is actually running our government now?

And it likely is not a democracy either if they aren't telling us about all this now for around 70 years.

Supposedly, President Kennedy wanted to tell the world about our UFO program of reverse engineering UFOs but look what they did to him.

And it's not just "Who" is running the U.S. government but who is really running the United Nations and all governments on earth NOW?

So, when I say that we are treated here on earth more like small children or pets at best you can better understand what I'm actually talking about.

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