Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why did the stock market drop almost 1200 points today?

Because of the top 1000 companies on earth, 94% of them are experiencing supply train disruptions. In other words 94% of the products being manufactured cannot be manufactured right now worldwide because they don't either have the right parts or ingredients to manufacture them. If there are no products there can be no profits. And until this changes (unknown maybe by April) you won't get the products you need to live possibly. And this is why the Stock market took a dump (the biggest one in history today).

So, basically what this means is that when the shelves are empty there is no more coming of whatever it is to 94% of the products sold worldwide right now because of Coronavirus disruptions to businesses worldwide. So, literally there could be a 2 to 3 month wait for almost anything within the next two months or so. So, if you have workarounds now might be the time to expedite them.

It could be as simple as trucks not being allowed to drive from point A to point B in China or Japan or South Korea or as major as most parts not being there to assemble cars or anywhere in between.

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