Wednesday, February 26, 2020

More friends reporting a cold then a flu

Around California I'm starting to hear from friends saying they have this "cold that becomes the flu" which is symptomatic of the Coronavirus. Do they have the coronavirus? Unknown because most people who have this aren't near major population centers and two that I know of are above 50. (Testing equipment doesn't exist in most California counties except for San Francisco, Los Angeles and may San Diego) and a few military bases. Am I worried about this? Of course. I want all my friends to stay alive but like my son who is a trained nurse says: "We are all going to get this. The only unknown is who is going to die from it at a 2% or 3% kill rate worldwide. It's only a matter of time (this year or next) before everyone basically has this thing at least once. So, if you are in one of the counties with no testing facilities you aren't going to get tested. And even if you get tested you might get quarantined for 2 weeks and then you won't be able to work or go to school. But, also you might infect one or more people during this time too which is only going to spread this thing more.

So, just like in China, most people here are going to continue to work or go to school whether they are sick or not which is how this thing spreads worldwide to begin with.

And so whether people have regular colds, regular flu, or the coronavirus no one is going to know likely until they die (if the die) and only 2 to 3% actually die.

However, if you are going to work or go to school sick please wear a mask to protect others from this thing, Okay? So, in case whatever you have is coronavirus you don't have to worry about killing someone accidentally by giving it to them.


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