Sunday, February 9, 2020

China's Coronavirus figures are severely undercounted

begin partial quote from:

Many doctors believe that deaths and infections from the current epidemic are undercounted in China because testing facilities are under severe strain.

end quote. 

This actually makes a lot of sense because of videos of people being forcibly removed from their homes by hospital workers and soldiers. If you knew someone was going to forcibly remove you from your home (no matter what was wrong with you) likely you might not even want to go to ANY hospital no matter how bad your flu or coronavirus might be. Also, you might be suspicious at the very least about what the government might be up to as well. And that those motivations might not allow you to survive.

This could easily spark a revolution against the Chinese Government by the way they are handling this whole thing in the first place. There is not enough transparency to trust a government like this.

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