Saturday, February 1, 2020

One study theorizes that there are actually 75,000 people in China presently with Coronavirus

Because many many people in China do not trust the Chinese Government to the point where they would never go to a Chinese Government hospital no matter what. And some people might live too remote for there to be a hospital within reach of them. It's a very big country after all. Some people might not read or write and so might not know what coronavirus is and think they just have a regular flu. All of the above reasons and more make this study more credible than anything else. After all, you are dealing with a country where there are 1.4 Billion people, and 250 million to 350 million have tuberculosis by the way with some people having incurable varieties. Then you have 400 million people who are middle Class or above and relatively to extremely financially successful. Then you have the rest somewhere between the ill people with Tuberculosis and the middle Class and rich. So, there is much diversity in China and always has been for thousands of years.

Because of this there may already be over 75,000 people with the Coronavirus with a still (and probably always) amount of people that have died from it that likely will remain unknown on into the foreseeable future.

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